Read messages, marking 88
Reading e-mail 37–49
Reminders screen
auto get mail and 43
send retry and 67
types of reminders 46
using 46
viewing 46
Replying to e-mail 71
e-mail databases 143
e-mail messages 85
Secure Sockets Layer 145
Send retry 66
modifying messages during 68
notifications 67
VPN connections 66
Sending, e-mail 65
deleting messages on 87, 91
sent mail folder 132
Settings. See Connection Preferences and
Network Preferences
Signature 17, 25, 32
attaching personal 69, 91
SMAPI (Simple MAPI) 96
Smart Addressing
turning on 64
using 63
SMTP settings 132
Sound, alarm on handheld 45
SSL. See Secure Sockets Layer
Synchronize-only account, creating 19–26
Synchronize-only connection 7
Synchronizing an existing username 6
Synchronizing e-mail 110–111
account information screens 105
active accounts 111
e-mail applications for 96
HotSync operation 94
logging errors 94
setting how many days 100
shortcuts 106
SSL and 112
synchronizing multiple accounts 112
turn off synchronization 111
Synchronizing IMAP folders 143
Technical support 153
Text, copying and pasting in e-mail 139
To Do List tasks, viewing reminders 46
To field 62
Trash 87
automatically emptying 88
creating other folders 59
emptying deleted e-mail 87–88
setting frequency in preferences 88
Universal connector 124
Unread mail 15, 22, 29, 130
Unread messages, marking 88
Upgrading a MultiMail database 6
URLs, in messages 73
Username 13, 20, 27
changing 127
editing in account 26
entering 127
for ISP 119
network 119
Vibrate alarm 45
Web addresses. See URLs
Wireless modem 118, 139