The following numbers may be used for technical support:
Country | Telephone Number | Country | Telephone Number | |
Asia, Pacific Rim |
Australia | 1 800 678 515 | P.R. of China | 10800 61 00137 or | |
Hong Kong | 800 933 486 | Singapore | 021 6350 1590 | |
India | +61 | 2 9937 5085 | 800 6161 463 | |
Indonesia | 001 800 61 009 | S. Korea | 82 2 3455 6455 | |
Japan | 0531 61 6439 | From anywhere in S. Korea: | 00798 611 2230 | |
Malaysia | 1800 801 777 | From Seoul: | 00798 611 2230 | |
New Zealand | 0800 446 398 | Taiwan, R.O.C. | 0080 611 261 | |
Pakistan | +61 | 2 9937 5083 | Thailand | 001 800 611 2000 |
Philippines | 1235 61 266 2602 |
| |
Europe |
From anywhere in Europe, call: +31 | (0)30 6029900 phone |
| |
| +31 | (0)30 6029999 fax |
Europe, South Africa, and Middle East
From the following countries, you may use the
Austria | 0800 297468 | Middle East | 1800 945 3794 |
Belgium | 0800 71429 | Netherlands | 0800 0227788 |
Denmark | 800 17309 | Norway | 800 11376 |
Finland | 0800 113153 | Poland | 00800 3111206 |
France | 0800 917959 | Portugal | 0800 831416 |
Germany | 0800 1821502 | Russia | 0800 995014 |
Hungary | 06800 12813 | South Africa | 0800 995014 |
Ireland | 1800 553117 | Spain | 900 983125 |
Israel | 1800 9453794 | Sweden | 020 795482 |
Italy | 1678 79489 | Switzerland | 0800 55 3072 |
Luxembourg | 0800 3625 | U.K. | 0800 966197 |
Latin America |
Argentina | 5411 4510 3200 | Mexico | 01 800 CARE (01 800 2273) |
Brazil | 0800 13 3266 | Puerto Rico | 800 666 5065 |
Colombia | 571 629 4827 | South America | 1800 666 5065 |
North America | 1 800 NET 3Com |
| (1 800 638 3266) |
| Enterprise Customers: |
| 1 800 |
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