Release Notes for CiscoUnified MeetingPlaceExpress Release 1.1
CaveatsThis topic includes the following sections:
•Using Bug Toolkit, page14
•Saving Bug Toolkit Queries, page15
•Hardware Caveats, page16
•Open Caveats, page16
•Resolved Caveats, page18
Youcan findthe latest caveat information for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Express by using Bug Toolkit,
which is an online tool that is available for customers to query defects according to their own needs.
Tip Youneed an account with Cisco.com (Cisco Connection Online) to use the Bug Toolkit to find open and
resolved caveats of any severity for any release.
Toaccess the Bug Toolkit, log on to http://www.cisco.com/cgi-bin/Support/Bugtool/launch_bugtool.pl.
This section includes the following topics:
•Using Bug Toolkit, page14
•Saving Bug Toolkit Queries, page15
•Hardware Caveats, page16
•Open Caveats, page16
•Resolved Caveats, page18
Using Bug Toolkit
To access Bug Toolkit, you need the following items:
•Internet connection
•Web browser
•Cisco.com user ID and password
To use Bug Toolkit, follow this procedure.
Step1 To access the Bug Toolkit, go tohttp://www.cisco.com/cgi-bin/Support/Bugtool/launch_bugtool.pl.
Log on with your Cisco.com user ID and password.
Step2 Click the Launch Bug Toolkit hyperlink.
Step3 Ifyou are looking for information about a specific caveat, enter the ID number in the “Enter known bug
ID:” field.