Release Notes for CiscoUnified MeetingPlaceExpress Release 1.1
To view all caveats for CiscoUnified MeetingPlaceExpress, go to the “Search for bugs in other Cisco
software and hardware products” section, and enterCisco Unified MeetingPlace Express in the
Product Name field. Alternatively, you can scroll through the product name list and click
Cisco UnifiedMeetingPlace Express.
Step4 Click Next. The Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Express search window displays.
Step5 Choose the filters to query for caveats. You can choose any or all of the available options:
a. Choose the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Express version:
•Choose the major version for the major releases.
Amajor release contains significant new features, enhancements, architectural changes, and/or
defect fixes.
•Choose the revision for more specific information.
A revision (maintenance) release primarily contains defect fixes to address specific problems,
but it may also include new features and/or enhancements.
b. Choose the Features or Components to query; make your selection from the “Available” list and
click Add to place your selection in the “Limit search to” list.
c. Enter keywords to search for a caveat title and description, if desired.
Note To make queries less specific, use the All wildcard for the major version/revision,
features/components, and keyword options.
d. Choose the Set Advanced Options, including the following items:
•Bug Severity level—The default specifies 1-3.
•Bug Status Group—Check the Fixed check box for resolved caveats.
•Release Note Enclosure—The default specifies Valid Release Note Enclosure.
e. Click Next.
Bug Toolkit returns the list of caveats on the basis of your query.
•You can modify your results by submitting another query and using different criteria.
•You can save your query for future use. See the“Saving Bug Toolkit Queries” section on page 15.
Note For detailed online help with Bug Toolkit, clickHelp on any Bug Toolkit window.
Saving Bug Toolkit QueriesBug Toolkit allows you to create and then save your queries to monitor a specific defect or network
situation. You can edit a saved search at any time to change the alert conditions, the defects being
watched, or the network profile.
Follow this procedure to save your Bug Toolkit queries.