Page 36 HV-WP/HW-WP Series
13. Simple Batch Function Simple Batch FunctionSimple Batch FunctionSimple Batch FunctionSimple Batch Function
This function compaires a display value with the final value, preliminary value and
zero band for the full/dribble batch function. The result is indicated by zero band (LO
indicator), full flow (HI indicator) and dribble flow (OK indicator). Even if a weighing
value includes increase and decrease, this function can compare it.
Set the parameters of the "simple batch function ( f6 8 )", in the function table, final
value (HI), preliminary value (OK) and zero band (LO), in advance, to use this function.
Install option OP-03 or OP-04, to use the relay output of the comparison.
Install option OP-03, to use the buzzer output of the comparator.

Comparison Condition

Gross Zero band.............. LO is displayed and output.
Final - Preliminary Net ........................ OK is displayed and output.
Final Net ........................ OK, HI is displayed and output.

Parameter List and Word Definition

The "gross" is a total measurement value where the tare value is not subtracted.
The "net" is a measurement value with a tare value subtracted from the gross.
The "tare" is an item put on the weighing pan and its mass is subtracted from the gross.
The "zero band" is the zero detection level.
The "zero point" is the fundamental starting point to weigh anything.
Function table Meaning and purpose A
f6 8 Simple batch function A