AccuFitness 2450, 2400, 4400 manual heat sink SEC cartridge tab guide-bracket assembly

Models: 4400 2450 2400

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heat sink

heat sink

SEC cartridge

tab (2)

guide-bracket )LJXUH￿￿￿￿￿￿￿5HPRYLQJ￿WKH￿6(&￿&DUWULGJH￿DQG￿+HDW￿6LQN￿)URP￿WKH￿ 3RZHU(GJH￿￿￿￿￿1-6 Microprocessor Upgrade Installation GuideManual background assembly Manual background






1.Slide the new SEC cartridge and heat sink into the guide-bracket assembly, and firmly seat them in the assembly until the tabs snap into place over the ends of the heat sink (see Figure 1-3).

2.Hook the upper edge of the large opening on the end of the cooling shroud over the top of the cooling fan on the system’s back panel.

3.Lower the other end of the shroud into place over the microprocessor(s).

4.Secure the shroud by reinstalling the two retention pins.

1-6 Microprocessor Upgrade Installation Guide

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AccuFitness 2450, 2400, 4400 heat sink SEC cartridge tab guide-bracket assembly, Microprocessor Upgrade Installation Guide