AMM-1570/1572 User’s Guide
Stock Number:510526-00, Rev. B Page:Index -3
Print Spec Number: 492379-00
Current Date: 3/7/94 ECN Date: 3/8/94
KKeyboards 3-18
LLED connector 3- 5,3-16
Line noise 2-3
Line-in jack 3-18
Line-level output 3-18, 4-7
Line-out jack 3 -17
MMicrophone jack 3-18
MIDI connector 3-4, 3-18
MIDI interface 3-18
MIDI port 3-18
Mounting bracket
audio equipment 3-17
external SCSI connector 1-8, 2-3,
3-4, 3-8, 3-12
for audio devices 3-4
Musical devices 3-18
OOperating environment B-1
Operating systems B-3
Optimizing performance C-1
Output jacks 1-3
Output signals A-4
PParity 2-17, C-3
Partitions D-4
Performance tips C-3
Plotters B-3
Port Address
see I/O port address
Power requirements A-3
RRAM 1-4
Removable disk drive B-3
SScanners B-3
SCSI bus
activity LED 3-16
operating environment 1-7
parity C-3
physical endpoints 2-3
SCSI ID 2-7, 4-3
termination 2-3–2-5, 4-3
SCSI devices
external 3-8, 3-12
Fast SCSI 1-8
internal 3-9
number of 1-7
preparing for installation 2-3
termination 2-6
types of 1-7
SCSI disconnection 2-14
SCSI ID 2-7, 2-16, 4-3
SCSI module 1-3, 1-5
SCSI parity checking 2-17,C-3
SCSI termination 2-3–2-5, 2-6, 4-3
endpoints of SCSI bus 2-3
pin 1 orientation 2-7
reinstalling the terminators 2-7
SCSI devices 2-6
termination power 2-6
SCSI-2 1-6
Software 3-5, 3-19
Sound chip base address 2-19
Speaker jack 3-17
Speakers 3-17
Specifications A-1–A-7
Static electricity 1-7,3-6, 3-7
Stereo receivers 3-17, 3-18
Synchronous negotiation 2-12, 2-13,
Synthesizers 3-18
System requirements 1-4