AMM-1570/1572 User’s Guide
AMM-1570/1572 User’s Guide
Stock Number:510526-00, Rev. B Page:2-1 2
Print Spec Number: 492379-00
Current Date: 3/7/94 ECN Date: 3/8/94
Fast SCSI OperationPin pair FS determines whether the host adapter initiates support
for Fast SCSI Operation. The available settings are
Fast SCSI devices, including the AMM-1570/1572, are capabl e of
transferring data to and from the SCSI bus at speeds ranging from 5
to 10 MBytes/sec.
Fast SCSI Operation and Synchronous Negotiatio n are used in con-
junction to determine request for data transfer rates:
■If both Fast SCSI Operation and Synchronous Negotiation is
enabled, the host adapter initiates a request for 10 MByt e/sec
data transfer.
■If Fast SCSI Operation is enabled and Synchronous Negotia-
tion is disabled, the Fast SCSI drive init iates a request for
10 MByte/sec data transfer.
■If Fast SCSI Operation is disabled and Synchronous Negotia-
tion is enabled, the host adapter initiates a request for
5 MByte/sec data transfer.
■If both Fast SCSI Operation and Synchronous Negotiation
are disabled, the Fast SCSI device initiates a request for
5 MByte/sec data transfer.
= Fast SCSI Operation Disabled * = Fast SCSI Operation Enabled
* = Default