ClearGain® Dual Inline TMAs
8 / 0 7 • 1 0 5 1 8 8 A E ClearGain Dual Inline TMAs
Dual Inline Power Distribution Unit
Time and space are important considerations when selecting and installing wireless components at base transceiver station sites. The simple, compact design of ADC’s ClearGain Power Distribution Unit (PDU) is intended to help service providers save both. From a compact unit that is easily mounted on a wall or in a rack, the ClearGain PDU provides power and alarming for up to three ClearGain
•Provides power and alarm functions for
•Monitors condition of feeder cable
•Wall or
•LED indicators for alarm functions
•Simple, compact design allows for easy installation and connections
•AISG compliant
The ClearGain Dual Inline TMA system is modular, consisting of an MHU and a PDU, providing full compatibility with all base stations.
The ClearGain Dual Inline PDU is an integrated unit that provides power and alarm functions for the ClearGain TMA system. The PDU monitors the current of the MHU. If an MHU fails, the ClearGain Dual Inline PDU gives an alarm indication. The ClearGain Dual Inline PDU also monitors the condition of the feeder cable. Alarm indicators identify failure in the feeder cable or MHUs and in which MHU the failure occurred, providing fast and easy
The flexible design of the ClearGain Dual Inline PDU allows it to be
An external
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