www.addonics.com Technical Support (M-F 8:30am - 6:00pm PST) Phone: 408-453-6212 Email: www.addonics.com/support/query/
The Configuration Tab
Note: The MLDonkey admin account is not the same account as the NAS 4.0 unit's
web interface admin account. It is recommended that the password matches for
simplicity, but not necessary.
MLDonkey will perform most of the remaining steps automatically and connect to
some servers on the Donkey network.
To download a file using the Donkey network, begin by clicking search, then enter
some criteria and click the Search button. After a query message appears, click the
"Search Results" button.
To download a Torrent, on the command bar type dllink followed by a space and the
full URL path to the .Torrent file and press Enter or click Input. (example: "dllink
http://sampletorrent.com/path/dot-torrentfile.torrent"). MLDonkey will parse the
download and add it to the download queue automatically.
Files queued for download will appear in the MLDonkey share in the incoming/files
folder when when complete.
Note: this folder has read-only permissions and cannot be changed.