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3. Copy+Compare
Performs both the Copy and Compare functions in a single step. Between
the two functions the devices are all powered down for a duration set by the
Power Off Time Between Copy+Compare function in the Setup menu.
Copy+Compare does not display the Copy Area setting.
4. Capacity Check
Performs a basic test on target devices to determine if they are functioning
properly. Does not report the status of the source device. Displays pass and
fail counts, and number of drives remaining to test under “Capacity” when in
progress. When complete, each target port will show a green or red LED
glowing to indicate which devices pass or fail. Using the arrow keys will
show the status or capacity of each device.
Capacity Check does work in Asynchronous mode, so once it's been
activated, target devices can be removed when finished and more target
devices can be inserted.
NOTE: NEVER remove a device while the LED is blinking.
5. Information
The Information function is actually a sub-menu with two functions:
5.1. USB Info.
Pressing OK for USB info will begin with a port number (beginning with [1],
which is the SOURCE port). Use the arrow buttons to move between ports.
As each port is selected, the unit will read a device if present, and report on
the capacity and file system found on that port.
5.2. System Info.
Displays the type of duplicator (by source and target count, for example 1-7)
and the firmware version.
Utility Menu
6.1. Do Format
Formats the target media using the following sub-options:
6.1.1. Auto Format
The Duplicator will format the media using the following rules:
If the media is formatted using one partition of either FAT16 or FAT32, the
unit will simply reformat the media the same way.
If the media is not formatted using a FAT file system, it will be formatted as
FAT16 if the capacity is under 2GB, or FAT32 if greater than 2TB.
6.1.2. FAT Format
The Duplicator will format the media as FAT16.
6.1.3. FAT32 Format
The Duplicator will format the media as FAT32.
Having chosen one of the three sub-options, press OK once more to confirm
the choice or ESC to cancel.
NOTE: NEVER remove a device while the LED is blinking.