AMASS Overview

File Recovery

Because write operations go to the cache first (including sync,


fsync, and synchronous IO), in the event of a system crash,


AMASS recovers all write operations that were in the cache and


processes the writes to media after the system is rebooted. This


paradigm provides a level of data integrity consistent with


standard UNIX file systems.

Database Recovery

Most UNIX file systems require fsck, a file system integrity


check, of all file systems mounted at the time of a system crash.


This checking can be very time-consuming. However, the


online File System Database, eliminates the need for this


checking. After you reboot the system, AMASS corrects its


Database based upon the /filesysdb/journal file (a


transaction log) and starts AMASS.

Library Recovery

Media can be left in a drive if a system crash occurs. AMASS


uses either external bar codes (network-attached libraries) or


internal headers (SCSI-attached libraries) to identify a volume


and automatically returns the “stranded” volume to its home




Because these recovery functions are automated and can be run


from the startup script after a system reboot, the AMASS


recovery, startup, and file system mount can all be performed as


part of other UNIX file system operations.

Volume Verification

Volume verification is extremely important. Storage devices are


subject to operator error and automated systems can suffer from


hardware malfunctions leading to incorrect volumes being


loaded into the drives.


Online Archiving with AMASS

6-00026-01 Rev A