AMASS Overview


Step 8.

Press Escape until you reach the Status Display




menu (the initial screen).


AMASS is both drive and library independent thus allowing


you to choose the hardware that meets the specific needs of


your company. For detailed information, refer to Accessing


Storage Devices.

Third-party Backup

AMASS supports third-party backup and restore applications


that access files using standard file system semantics.


Consequently, applications that currently run on standard UNIX


file systems can use AMASS without modification.

Mixed Media

AMASS supports mixed media in the following libraries:


• A network-attached AML using Distributed AML Server


(DAS) as the library management software on the AMU.


DAS is an ADIC-GRAU software product with both client


and server components. The server component is installed


on the AMU OS/2 server and the client component is


embedded in AMASS.






























UNIX Server

















































































Mixed media in AML

























































AMU library interface

















installed on OS/2 PC




















































































































































































































































Online Archiving with AMASS

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