The Internet as an Alternative | |
no shutdown
interface eth 0/2
description Ethernet to DSL/Cable Modem no ip address
no shutdown
interface bri 1/3
description ISDN link to local PSTN isdn spid1 11111
isdn spid2 11112 no shutdown
interface ppp 1
description PPPoE Interface to ISP with Firewall, VPN to CENTRAL Gateway - PRIMARY ip address negotiated
username ISP_PPPoE_Srv password a
pppchap hostname ISP_Customer_PPPoE ppp chap password a
mtu 1492
interface ppp 2
description Dial Backup Interface to ISP with Firewall, VPN to CENTRAL Gateway ip address negotiated
pppchap hostname ISP_Customer_Dial ppp chap password a
no shutdown
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