Appendix D. S-Register List
61202.029L2-1 ISU 128 User Manual 113
S57 DDS TEST Allows an ISU 128 optioned as a leased line unit to
respond to DDS in-band latching loopback or V.54
loopback commands.
0 = No checking
1 = Check for DDS latching loopbacks
2 = Check for v.54 loopbacks
3 = Check for V.54 and DDS latching loopbacks
S58 CALL SCREENING Allows the ISU 128 to screen incoming calls.
0 = Answer any call
1 = Answer only calls from numbers matching
those stored in SN0 through SN9.
S59 CHANNEL RATE Sets the available network bandwidth when the ISU
128 is in leased mode.
3 = 64 kbps
5 = 128 kbps
SS60 SPID1 LOC Primary SPID location.
SS61 SPID2 LOC Secondary SPID string location.
SS62 LDN1 LOC Primary local directory number string location.
SS63 LDN2 LOC Secondary local directory number string location.
S70 DTE MODE Selects asynchronous or synchronous mode on the DTE
0 = Asynchronous
1 = Synchronous
S71 DTE RATE Selects the DTE connector bit rate.
1 = 300
3 = 1200
6 = 2400
8 = 4800
11= 9600
15= 19200
17= 38400
18= 48000
19= 56000
20= 57600
21= 64000
22= 112020
23= 115200
24= 128000