Mov al,07h ; Select registers of watchdog timer Out dx,al
Inc dx Mov al,08h Out dx,al
Dec dx ; Enable the function of watchdog timer Mov al,30h
Out dx,al Inc dx Mov al,01h Out dx,al
Dec dx ; Enable watchdog timer to be strobed reset by keyboard Mov al,0f7h
Out dx,al Inc dx In al,dx Or al,40h Out dx,al
Dec dx ; lock W83627DHG Mov al,0aah
Out dx,al
Generate a
Mov dx,2eh ; unlock W83627DHG Mov al,87h
Out dx,al Out dx,al
Mov al,07h ; Select registers of watchdog timer Out dx,al
Inc dx Mov al,08h Out dx,al
Dec dx ; Enable the function of watchdog timer Mov al,30h
Out dx,al Inc dx Mov al,01h Out dx,al
Appendix A Programming the Watchdog Timer
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