13 Chapter 2
Power on or reset the system by pressing the "Ctrl"+"Alt"+"Del" keys
simultaneously. The MDPC-4090 will automatically load the operating
system from the diskette or CD-ROM.
If you are presented with the opening screen of a setup or installation pro-
gram, follow the instructions on screen. The setup program will guide
you through preparation of your hard drive, and installation of the operat-
ing system.
Figure 2.7: Insert the disk to CD-ROM drive
2.5 Installing the DriversAfter installing your system software, you will be able to set up the
Chipset, VGA, audio, USB and Ethernet functions. All the drivers are
stored in a CD-ROM disc entitled "Drivers and Utilities" that can be
found in your accessory box.
After finishing the Windows 2000/XP installation, the system will auto-
matically detect the CD-ROM hardware and install the CD-ROM driver
from the driver database from Windows 2000/XP when the system
reboots. Users are not required to install the CD-ROM driver themselves.
The standard procedures for installing the Chipset, VGA, audio, and
Ethernet drivers are described in Chapters 3, 4, 5 and 6 respectively.
The utility directory includes multimedia programs. Refer to the
README.TXT file inside the VGA folders for more detailed informa-
The various drivers and utilities in the CD-ROM disc have their own text
files which help users install the drivers and understand their functions.