Add Water
There should always be water in the Bowl of your AeroGarden. For instructions, see the “Add Water Using a Spouted Container” section in your Quick Start Guide.
!• We recommend using municipal tap, bottled or purified water.Well or softened water SHOULD
NOT be used because the extra minerals in these sources may be harmful to aeroponically grown plants..
Quick Start Guides available at:
F eed Garden
Every 2 weeks you will need to add one nutrient tablet
All Flower Series Seed Kits have two types of nutrients
–“Starting Nutrients” and “Growing Nutrients..” The one exception to this is the Cascading Petunias Seed Kit, which also has “Flowering Nutrients..”
For Cascading Petunias, follow the instructions in your Quick Start Guide using “Growing Nutrients” for first feeding after planting and then “Flowering Nutrients” for remaining feedings..
Note: We recommend checking for bugs every time you add nutrients. See Troubleshooting on page 18 of this Guide for details.
Tending Your Garden 4