Appendix A: Troubleshooting and Support 51

For more information and support on your Agfa ePhoto CL34:

Visit and
The most effective way to find an answer to your problem is to execute the successive steps
described below.
1. Create an Agfa e-Service Account
You need to create an Agfa e-Service account to benefit from:
! personalized online technical support;
! access to customized self-help tools and technical information;
! automatic e-mail notification of all new support documents;
! the latest Agfa product news.
To create an Agfa e-Service account and to register your CL34 camera:
Create your e-Service Account.
If you already have an Agfa e-Service account:
Go to and click Add/Register Product to add your “ePhoto CL34” to
your e-Service.
2. Consult the Solution Finder Database
Click the
Solution Finder tab to consult the standard answers on various problems/questions.
3. Consult the Support Documents Database
Click the
Support Documents tab to read the latest technical product news.
4. Consult the Software Library
Select the
Software Library tab to retrieve available software updates for your ePhoto CL34
5. Contact the Nearest Service Office
Select the
Service Offices tab to find the hotline number of your nearest Agfa Service Office.
6. Personalized Online Support
If you do not find an answer to your problem/question in the Solution Finder or in the Support
Documents Database:
1 Click Agfa Online Support Home to open Personalized Online Support.
2 Describe your problem as accurate as possible.