Chapter 3: Installing the Scanner for Macintosh 19
By registering online, you will create your personal e-Service account and you will enjoy the
following benefits:
1. Customized self -help tools:
You have access to the following self-help tools which are customized according to your e-
service account profile:
1. Software downloads
2. Tec hnical knowledge database (FAQ)
3. Online m anuals and documentation
4. Acces s to third-party software support sites
Personalized one-to-one technical support:
Agfa assists you online if you have additional questions about technical issues.
Automatic e-mail notification:
Agfa notifies you immediately when new software and upgrades are available for downloading.
" Note: For support issues, go to http://support.agfa.com.
When the installation is finished you are ready to connect your scanner to your Macintosh
Caution: Before using ScanWise on a system with 32 MB physical RAM, it is advised to increase
the virtual memory to 64 MB:
1 Choose Control Panels > Memory from the Apple menu ( ).
The Memory window appears.
2 Increase the virtual memory to 64 MB.
3 Restart your Macintosh.