Probing solutions to match the

measurement capabilities

Three probing options are available
for the Agilent 16760A. Each probe
can be ordered by its individual
model number or as an option to the
16760A. The following table indicates
both the model number and the
option number.
Probes are not supplied as part of the
standard 16760A. Probes must be
ordered separately, either as options
to the 16760A or individually by their
respective model numbers.
Data Acquisition and Stimulus
State/Timing Modules
Agilent Model Number 16760A Option Number Description Notes
E5378A 010 100-pin single-ended probe Requires a kit of mating connectors and shrouds
(see the next table) to connect to target system.
E5379A 011 100-pin differential probe Two E5379A (or two option 011 on the 16760A) are
required to support all 34 channels on a 16760A.
Requires a kit of mating connectors and shrouds
(see the next table) to connect to target system.
E5380A 012 38-pin single-ended probe, compatible Maximum state analysis speed is 600 Mb/s.
with target systems designed for the Minimum input amplitude is 300 mV p-p.
Agilent E5346A Mictor adapter cable Requires a kit of mating connectors and shrouds
(see the next table) to connect to target system.
E5382A 013 17-channel, single-ended flying lead Two E5382A are required to support all the channels
probe set for the 16760A of a 16760A.
Connector and shroud kits for probes for the 16760A logic analyzer
For probe model number For PC board thickness Probing connector kit part number
(each contains 5 mating connectors and 5 support shrouds)
E5378A Up to 1.57 mm (0.062") 16760-68702
Up to 3.05 mm (0.120") 16760-68703
E5379A Up to 1.57 mm (0.062") 16760-68702
Up to 3.05 mm (0.120") 16760-68703
E5380A Up to 1.57 mm (0.062") E5346-68701
Up to 3.18 mm (0.125") E5346-68700