Post-Processing and Analysis Tool Sets
Serial Analysis
Clock Recovery Algorithm
1. For analysis purposes the data is
captured in conventional timing
mode using the internal timing
analyzer clock as the clock refer-
ence. Set the sample period of the
timing analyzer to take four or
more samples for each serial bit.
2. The timing analyzer data is sam-
pled in the middle of each bit
according to the serial bit rate
defined in the clock recovery
3. Data edges (transitions from 0 to 1
or 1 to 0 in the timing analyzer
trace) are used to resynchronize
the sampling.
To Acquire a Serial Bit Streamwithout an External ClockReference . . .
...set the sample period of
your timing analyzer to take
four or more samples for
each serial bit.
...accept the “Samples”
default label or enter a new
label name.
...specify the embedded bit
time of the serial bit
...specify the incoming
signal’s data encoding
method, normal or NRZI.
How Clock Recovery Works
Embedded bit time
Incoming serial
bit stream
Timing analyzer samples
(with timing analyzer set
to take five samples for
each serial bit)
New “Samples”serial data
Resynchronize on edge
Figure 5.18.
Figure 5.19.