State/Timing Modules Specifications and
Agilent Technologies 16760A
Supplemental Specifications* and Characteristics (continued)
Synchronous state analysis 1.5 Gb/s mode 1.25 Gb/s mode 800 Mb/s mode 400 Mb/s mode 200 Mb/s mode
Maximum data rate E5378A, E5379A probes: E5378A, E5379A probes: E5378A, E5379A, E5382A 400 Mb/s 200 Mb/s
on each channel 1.5 Gb/s 1.25 Gb/s probes: 800 Mb/s
E5380A probe: 600 Mb/s
Minimum clock interval, 667 ps 800 ps E5378A, E5379A probes: 2.5 ns 5 ns
active edge to active edge* 1.25 ns
E5380A probe: 1.67 ns
Minimum state clock pulse N/A N/A E5378A, E5379A probes: 1.5 ns 1.5 ns
width with clock polarity 600 ps
rising or falling E5380A probe: 800 ps
Clock periodicity Clock must be periodic Clock must be periodic Periodic or aperiodic Periodic or aperiodic Periodic or aperiodic
Number of clocks 1 1 1 1 1
Clock polarity Both edges Both edges Rising, falling, or both Rising, falling, or both Rising, falling, or both
Minimum data pulse width 600 ps 750 ps E5378A, E5379A, E5382A 1.5 ns 1.5 ns
probes: 750 ps
E5380A probe: 1.5 ns
Number of channels [1]
With time tags 16 x (number of modules) - 16 x (number of modules) - 34 x (number of modules) - 34 x (number of modules) - 34 x (number of modules)
8 8 16 16
Without time tags 16 x (number of modules) 16 x (number of modules) 34 x (number of modules) 34 x (number of modules) 34 x (number of modules)
Maximum channels on a 80 (5 modules) 80 (5 modules) 170 (5 modules) 153 (5 modules) 170 (5 modules)
single time base and trigger
Maximum memory depth 128M samples 128M samples 64M samples 32M samples 32M samples
Time tag resolution 4 ns [2] 4 ns [2] 4 ns [2] 4 ns [2] 4 ns
Maximum time count 17 seconds 17 seconds 17 seconds 17 seconds 17 seconds
between states
Trigger resources 3 Patterns on each pod 3 Patterns on each pod 4 Patterns on each pod 8 Patterns evaluated as 16 Patterns evaluated as
evaluated as =, , >, <, evaluated as =, , >, <, evaluated as =, , >, <, =, , >, <, , =, , >, <, ,
, on one pod; or , on one pod; or , on one pod; or 4 Ranges evaluated as 15 Ranges evaluated as
evaluated as =, across evaluated as =, across evaluated as =, across in range, not in range in range, not in range
multiple pods; or multiple pods; or multiple pods; or 2 Occurrence counters Timers: 2 x (number of
1 range on each pod 1 range on each pod 2 ranges on each pod 4 Flags modules) 1
4 Flags 4 Flags 4 Flags Arm in 2 Global counters
Arm in Arm in Arm in 1 Occurrence counter per
sequence level
4 Flags
Arm in
Trigger actions Trigger and fill memory Trigger and fill memory Trigger and fill memory Goto Goto
Trigger and fill memory Trigger and fill memory
Trigger and goto
Store/dont store sample
Turn default storing on/off
Timer start/stop/pause/resume
Global counter increment/reset
Occurrence counter reset
Flag set/clear
* All specifications noted by an asterisk are the performance standards against which the product is tested.
[1]In 1.25 Gb/s mode, only the even-numbered channels (0, 2, 4, etc.) are acquired.
[2]The resolution of the hardware used to assign time tags is 4 ns. Times of intermediate states are calculated.