Data Acquisition and Stimulus
Oscilloscope Modules
When integrated into the 16700
Series logic analysis systems, the
oscilloscope modules make powerful
measurement and analysis more
accessible, so you can find the
answers to tough debugging problems
in less time. Oscilloscope controls are
easy to find and use.
Scope controls
and waveform
display are inte-
grated into a
single window,
making interac-
tive adjustment
Time and voltage
markers allow you
to measure signal
details precisely.
Multiple Views of Target BehaviorIsolate Problems Quicker
Frequently a problem is detected in
one measurement domain, while the
clues to the cause of the problem are
found in another. That’s why the abil-
ity to view your prototype's behavior
from all angles simultaneously—from
software execution to analog signals—
is essential for quickly gaining insight
into problems.
For example, using a state analyzer
you may observe a failed bus cycle. A
timing problem caused by a reflection
on an incorrectly terminated line
may be causing the bus cycle to fail.
By triggering an oscilloscope from the
state analyzer, you can quickly identi-
fy the cause. The ability to cross-trig-
ger and time-correlate state, timing,
and analog measurements can help
you in solving these tough problems.
Figure 4.5. All primary oscilloscope control settings, including scale factors and trigger settings, are visible
Trigger icon
indicates trigger
level, making it
easy for you to
adjust trigger
Ground icon
always shows
you where ground
is relative
to signal.