Safety GuidelinesThe beginning of the power supply Operating Manual has a Safety Summary page. Be sure you are familiar with the
information on that page before programming the power supply for operation from a controller.
ENERGY HAZARD. Power supplies with high output currents (such as the Series 668xA/669xA)
can provide more than 240 VA at more than 2 V. If the output connections touch, severe arcing may
occur resulting in burns, ignition or welding of parts. Take proper precautions before remotely
programming the output circuits.
Printing HistoryThe edition and current revision of this guide are indicated below. Reprints of this guide containing minor corrections and
updates may have the same printing date. Revised editions are identified by a new printing date. A revised edition
incorporates all new or corrected material since the previous printing. Changes to the guide occurring between revisions are
covered by change sheets shipped with the guide.
Edition 1......... July, 2001
© Copyright 2001 Agilent Technologies Inc.
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