Compatibility Language 63
Compatibility Language
The Agilent Series 664xA, 665xA, 667xA, 668xA, and 669xA Power Supplies are programatically compatible with the
Agilent 603xA Series AutoRanging Power Supplies (ARPS). This means that you can program the Agilent 664xA, 665xA,
667xA, 668xA, and 669xA supplies over the GPIB using the ARPS commands. Software that you have written for the
autoranging power supplies can also be adapted to program the above supplies.
Note The Agilent 664xA, 665xA, 667xA, 668xA, 669xA serial link is not supported by ARPS
commands. You can use only a GPIB primary address for the power supply.
To switch from SCPI commands to ARPS commands (and vice versa), use the SYST:LANG command. This command is
documented in "Chapter 3 - Language Dicti onary".
Table B-1 summarizes the ARPS commands that program the supplies. You will need to refer to the Series 603xA power
supply manual1 for complete information on the ARPS commands. Some of the ARPS commands are similar to SCPI
commands, but others are unique to ARPS. For example, the ARPS FOLD commands have no function with the Series
664xA, 665xA, 667xA, 668xA, and 669xA supplies. Similarly, there are some SCPI commands that have no ARPS
Note Parallel Polling:
When programmed for parallel polling and Compatibility Language, power supplies opera ting under the
Agilent BASIC system can "hang up" the GPIB when the system is turned on. This can occur under the
following conditions:
• The controller uses CS80 Protocol for an external disk drive (for example, the Agilent
• The external disk drive and the power supply have the same select code and that code is 7 or
• The external disk drive and power supply addresses are binary complements of each other
(e.g., 0 & 7, 1 & 6, etc.).
When the system is turned on, the power supply accesses the GPIB before the controller and prevents it
from accessing the external disk drive. The solution is to change one of the GPIB addresses, or to ensure
that the power supply is not turned on until after the controller has completed its selftest and has control of
the GPIB.
1 This manual is listed in the Chapter 1 "Replaceable Parts" table of the power supply Operating Guide.