instrument modes, 3–2
ISM1-A, 1–4
isopropyl alcohol, 1–37
Kkeyboard, 1–6, 1–11
LLAN, 1–23
language version, 4–10
line cords, 1–13
line power
requirements, 1–15
MMeasure menu, 3–17
measurement channels, 3–10
measurement results, 4–7
measurement toolbar, 3–3
measurement toolbars, 3–7, 3–8, 3–9
bar, 3–16
Minimize button, 4–8
module calibration, 1–26
module, installing, 3–10
modules, installing, 1–9
mouse, 1–6, 1–11
Nnetwork printers, 1–23
network setup, 1–23
noise declaration, 5–2
Oonline help, 4–2
Options menu, 3–19
Oscilloscope Mode, 3–2, 3–8
Ppackage contents, 1–5
packaging for shipment, 1–40
plug-in modules, 3–10
positioning the instrument, 1–11
requirements, 1–15
switch, 1–24
power switch, 1–15
Print Setup, 1–18
connecting, 1–12
printer driver, 1–18, 1–20
procedures, step-by-step, 4–4
QQuick Measure button, 3–13
Rrack mount, 1–6
hard drive, 1–42
Restore button, 4–8
SSafety Class 1 Product, 1–3
sales and service offices, 1–43
service, 1–39
sales and service offices, 1–43
Setup & Info button, 4–7
shipment, checking package content, 1–5
shipping procedure, 1–39
supported printers, 1–18, 1–20
swabs, 1–37
synchronous clock signal, 3–7
TTDR/TDT Mode, 3–2, 3–9
time and date, 1–17
time-domain reflectometry, 3–2
timing reference signal, 3–4
touch calibration, 1–22
touch screen, 1–16, 3–3
configuration, 1–22
disabling, 3–12
Touch Screen Config, 1–22
trigger input signal, 3–4
Trigger Source button, 3–11