Using the Infiniium DCA
Oscilloscope Mode
Oscilloscope Mode
Use the Oscilloscope mode for pulse
type waveforms that are triggered by
an external signal. Oscilloscope mode
measurements only work when a single
valued waveform, and not an eye d ia-
gram, is present on the screen.
When you select the Oscilloscope
mode, the measurement toolbars shown
here appear. These measurement toolbars
include measurements such as rise time, fall
time, overshoot, and Vp-p. All measure-
ments, with the exception of jitter, can be
performed on any of the following sources:
channels, waveform memories, and math
functions. One of the above sources must be
turned on in order to perform an oscillo-
scope measurement.
If more than one source is turned on and
you initiate a measurement, the Enter Mea-
surement Info dialog box opens. This dialog
box allows you to select the source you want
to use for the measurement.
Measurement results appear below the dis-
play graticule. A maximum of four pulse
measurement test results are displayed and include any failures or instrument
messages that may occur.
To learn more about the Oscilloscope mode, consult the Help.