National Instruments has two ver- sions of the MXI interface that are usable in a host controller. The older
A new serial interface for VXI based on
Embedded controllers are available from both Agilent and National Instruments. Those controllers that contain the Intel Pentium® processor and run Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 are supported for use with the E6432A.
Initializing the Instrument
After installing the interfaces and drivers using the procedures given in the user documentation, it is time to apply power to the VXI mainframe and check out the system.
●issue the bootstrap commands to initialize the onboard assist processor
●perform a comprehensive digital
●perform a limited analog
●preset the instrument to a known state
●query the error buffers for any error conditions
●issue the command to extinguish the red FAIL LED after a successful completion
In the programming examples shown later, we will show that in VEE,
the ViInitialize function call is sent automatically at the first call to the instrument. In NI LabView, the ViInitialize function call must be sent explicitly as the first call to the instrument.
The Soft Front Panel
All functions of the E6432A are represented in the soft front panel (SFP). The online help system docu- ments the SFP and the plug&play driver completely. The E6432A SFP is accessed through the Start menus of Windows NT. If no VXI interface is installed on the computer, or the hardware is not present, the SFP may be run in Demo Mode as a learning and demonstration tool. The online help system will be fully functional.
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