Features of the plug&play Driver
Driver functions are divided into these major categories:
●Initializing the instrument
●Setting and enabling frequency and power
●Selecting and enabling modulation types
●Selecting and enabling trigger modes
●Selecting operation modes
●Managing the list
●Querying status and errors
Table 1 is a list of instrument functions available for setting output functions.
Table 1
Set RF Output (On/Off) | HPE6432_SetRfOutputState |
Get RF Output (On/Off) | HPE6432_GetRfOutputState |
Set Freq, ALC, Atten, Bit | HPE6432_SetFreqAlcAttenBit |
Set Freq, ALC, Atten | HPE6432_SetFreqAlcAtten |
Get Freq, ALC, Atten | HPE6432_GetFreqAlcAtten |
Set Frequency | HPE6432_SetFrequency |
Set ALC, Atten | HPE6432_SetAlcAtten |
Set Output Power | HPE6432_SetOutputPower |
Power Search | HPE6432_PowerSearch |
Set Reference Source (Int/Ext) | HPE6432_SetRefSource |
Get Reference Source (Int/Ext) | HPE6432_GetRefSource |
Set Dwell Time | HPE6432_SetDwellTime |
Get Dwell Time | HPE6432_GetDwellTime |
Set Settling Time | HPE6432_SetSettlingTime |
Get Settling Time | HPE6432_GetSettlingTime |
List Modes, Trigger Modes and Markers
The E6432A plug&play driver includes a comprehensive online help system, with complete documentation that should be used as the primary reference source for the instrument. All aspects of using and programming the E6432A and the SFP are fully documented. The help system may be installed and run on a separate computer without other modules of the plug&play driver installed.
In many instances, the systems programmer has a predefined list of test frequencies, amplitudes, and marker events that are defined by the needs of the test program. Often, sig- nal sources and measuring receivers must be coordinated to be at the same test frequencies simultaneously to make measurements. Users want to minimize system time between measurements, since performing precision measurements can be time consuming.
To assist the programmer with efficient synchronization between signal source and measuring receiver, the E6432A implements a list mode that holds up to 128k list entries. Each entry may hold a frequency value, an ALC value, an attenuator value, and a mode byte that sets various conditions at that entry point. For example, the mode byte has bits for enabling or disabling RF blanking at that entry point, putting out a sync marker at that entry, or enabling long blanking to provide extra settling time at that entry.