To make the most of this list mode, comprehensive triggering is available for executing the list entries in the most useful way for the test program. Input triggering can be from the front panel SMB connector, over the VXI TTL backplane triggers,
of the backplane triggers can be assigned to Trigger In. The Trigger Out, or settled marker, is a synchro- nization signal that can be used as a
Sync In is a reset trigger. It may be set to abort a list and reset the list pointer to the beginning of list mem- ory. It may be used to run a list. It may be disabled. Any one of the VXI backplane triggers may be assigned to Sync In. Sync Out is the program- mable marker. Any entry in the list mode may enable the Sync Out mark- er. If enabled, it will coincide with
Table 2
Trigger In | Automatic (default) | Trigger In disabled |
| trigger once | wait for trigger, then run list once |
| triggered | wait for trigger to advance to next list entry |
Trigger Out |
| settled marker - always enabled |
Sync In | auto (default) | Sync In disabled |
| wait | wait for sync to start list |
| restart | abort list and restart from beginning |
| wait for start/restart | combines wait for start and abort/restart |
Sync Out | disabled (default) | list entry does not generate sync marker on |
| settled (Trigger Out still enabled) |
| enabled | list entry generates sync marker on settled |
| (and Trigger Out marker) |
Repeat |
| run list continuously until aborted |
Blanking | enabled (default) | blank RF while tuning (minimum 270 µs |
| settling time on frequency changes) |
| disabled | do not blank RF while tuning |
Long blanking | disabled (default) | frequency settled to within 50 kHz when |
| Trigger Out edge occurs |
| enabled | RF blanking extended to 350 µs. Frequency |
| settled to noise level when Trigger Out edge |
| occurs. |
Attenuator switch |
| blanking always extended to 20 ms |
the Trigger Out, or settled marker, for that list entry. Any one of the VXI backplane triggers may be assigned to Sync Out.
Table 2 summarizes the trigger, marker, and blanking modes.
An example function call to down- load an array of list entry points is:
ViSTATUS HPE6432_WriteListPoints (ViSession instrumentHandle, ViUInt32 startingPoint ViReal64 Frequency[], ViReal64 ALC_value[], ViInt16 Attenuator[], ViInt16 featureBits[], ViInt16 alcOffset[], ViUInt32 numberOfPoints);
Once downloaded, the list is execut- ed by calling Hpe6432_run_list(). Depending on the trigger mode set, the list is run all the way through, repeated until aborted, or executed one entry per input trigger.