34 Installation and Operation Guide
3Splitter Configurations
Column outlet pressureThe 6890 GC needs to know the pressure at the end of the column to be able to
calculate column flows. Use either the GC keyboard or the ChemStation to set
the outlet pressure for the column to 3.8 psig. The ChemStation screen where
the column outlet pressure is set is shown in Figure 14.
Inlet pressureIf this is a m ethod used p reviously, you may want to reset the inlet pressure to
give similar retention times with the new column outlet pressure. Do this by
calculating the inlet pressure needed to keep the void (holdup) time the same
as the previous method. For constant inlet pressure methods, this will also
keep the elution order the same. The Method Translation Software tool or the
Flow Calculator tool can be used to do this calculation.
Figure 14 Column outlet pressure screen