AirLink Application Notes
5. AirLink Raven CDPD Modem Configuration
The following are the proper
CDPD Parameters:
[S110] Device Port=12345 [\N] Side Preference=3
[S116] Service ID Preference=3
[S111] Service ID=0/0/0
[S112] Channel List Mode=2
[S113] Channel List=0,0,0,0,0
[3W] 3 Watt Booster Support=0 [*DSIDE] Disable Side Switch=0 [*CTSE] CTS CDPD Enable=0 [#X] Serial Debug Output=0
Connection Parameters:
[S0] TCP Auto Answer Mode=0
[S7] TCP Establishment Timeout=20
[S50] Data Forwarding Timeout=1
[S51] Data Forwarding Character=0
[S53] Destination IP Address=
[S53] Destination TCP/UDP Port=12345
[S53] Destination Connect Mode=T
[S210] AT Command Compatibility=1
[S211] Ignore DTR=0
[MD] Startup Mode Default=0
[MD] UDP Mode Default=0
[S60] Telnet Echo Mode=0
[S82] UDP Half Open Mode=0
[S83] UDP Half Open Timeout=5
[AIP] Allow Any UDP IP=1
[HOR] UDP Half Open Response=1
[S220] Break On TCP Connect=0
[S221] Delay Connect Response=0
[E] Command Echo=1
[V]Command Response Mode=1
[Q]Quiet Mode=0
[X]Call Progress Result Mode=0 [TCPT] TCP Inactive Timeout=1 [TCPS] Specify TCPT in Seconds=0 [TCPX] Allow TCP Suspension=0 [*DATZ] Disable Reset on ATZ=0 [*ENQ] Enable ENQ on TCP Connect=0 [DAE] Disable AT Esc Sequence=0 [RKEY] Radio Transceiver Keying=0 [IPL] IP List Dial=0
[*DU] Dial UDP Always=0
COM Port Parameters: [\Q] Flow Control=2 [S23] Baud Rate=19200 [S23] Data Bits=8 [S23] Parity=N
[S23] Stop Bits=1
Modbus Parameters: N/A
Friends List: (Optional)
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