7.6.2 Security Setting
The Security Setting page provides three sub-menus: Sensor setting, Schedule setting,
and Access time setting.
Sensor Setting
This sub-menu allows you to assign the time period for the camera to take the selected
action(s) when motion is detected.
Sensor setting: Select Enable/Disable to enable/disable the camera’s sensor feature.
When you enable this feature, the Use below operation times check box must be
selected so that the settings in Operation time 1/2 can be applied. Otherwise, the
camera will keep detecting motion.
Operation time 1/2: If the camera’s motion sensor is enabled, these two options allow
you to assign the operational time frame for the sensor. If you want to have the camera
constantly detect motion, leave these two options blank.
Action: Select the camera’s response when motion is detected: Buzzer, Email, FTP,
Flash the light, and Save image to USB disk.
Click Setup to save the settings.