MIDI Channels
Common Channel (Common Chnl): This setting determines which MIDI channel is the common channel (various controls can be assigned to the common channel in Edit Mode). The available settings are USB
Note Display
Type: Determines whether the display will show a note by its pitch Value (e.g., C2, F#3, etc.) or by its MIDI note Number (e.g., 36, 54, etc.).
Important: Edit Mode contains other parameters that affect the keyboard but are saved only
with the Preset, not with the global settings. See the Edit Mode: Keyboard section for more information.
Curve: The keyboard's velocity curve. The available range is
Gain: An offset to keyboard's overall velocity sensitivity. The available range is
Black / White: An offset to the black keys' or white keys' overall velocity sensitivity. The available range is
Tip: These parameters are useful if you play the black keys and white keys differently (e.g., due to the higher position of the black keys, your preferred hand positioning, etc.).