Mow at the speed that you can safely operate and control the tractor and mower. The correct mowing speed depends on terrain condition and grass type, density, and height of cut. Normal ground speed range is from 2 to 5
When the cutter bar strikes an obstruction while traveling forward, it will break back against the rotor actuator. The cutter bar will stay back until you bump the control hand to return it to the cutting position. NOTE: The
IMPORTANT: Do not slide the cutter bar past the obstruction. If necessary, back up, adjust the bar to clear the obstacle and proceed with mowing.
If knife jams or stalls on a large branch or other
debris, it can often be cleared by moving the cutter bar toggle switch to the off position, waiting until the cutter bar stops, then moving the toggle to the reverse position. This will sometimes clear the jam. If the jam is not cleared, Idle the tractor, stop the tractor engine, and clear the jam by freeing the obstruction manually. Always keep fingers, hands and other body parts clear of cutter bar knife. The knife can move suddenly, even with the tractor engine shut down.
Do not back up with this implement. Backing could damage the machine or its components.
Never interfere with
SB5/6 03/09 | Operation Section |
© 2009 Alamo Group Inc.