Link Aggregation
OmniSwitch Troubleshooting Guide September 2005 page -11
Link Aggregation
Link Aggregation feature allows software to aggregate a set of ports (not necessarily contiguous or on the
same Coronado) into a group. Each port is referred to as a channel that can carry some bandwidth. This
feature requires that all the queues associated with all the ports in the group to be contiguous. Events
resulting in Link Aggregation and Q driver interaction may be for the creation and deletion of link aggre-
gation group.
Coronado Tables
Coronado maintains two different kinds of tables:
Layer 2 Tables
Layer 3 Tables
Layer 2 Tables
64,000 pseudo CAM entries are split in 2 tables:
L2-Source Address (L2-SA) Table containing
VLAN membership (GID)
Value (MAC address)
2-L2-Destination Address (L2-DA) Table containing
VLAN Membership (GID)
Value (MAC address)
Destination Queues to use (QID/ReQID)
Priority Description Index (PDI) containing Internal Priority
Request for additional L3/L4 lookup and use of resultant QID
Layer 3 Tables
64,000 pseudo CAM entries. A single table is maintained for all the Source and Destination L3
addresses. Entries are based on selected lookup mode.
Now, the primary functions and the architecture of Source Learning, Hardware Routing Engine (HRE)
and QOS functional blocks will be discussed.