5000 Sentinel-M
A powerful combination of Military Grade Carbon and HEPA filtration with
UV sterilization to protect you from airborne toxic threats
The sentinel uses specially blended activated carbon; the same as used in gas masks
Biological and chemcial weapons are known as the poor man's nuclear bomb
Industrial or transport accidents may create toxic air situations
The Sentinel helps create a clean air oasis in an emergency situation
The Sentinel will provide excellent air cleaning on a daily basis and in an emergency, security against airborne threats
Invest in safe and effective air filtration technology
3 kinds of airborne threats
Gases and chemicals: poisonous gases.
Particles: toxic spores such as anthrax, mold spores.
Combat air borne threats with 3 kinds of filter technology
The specially blended activated carbon filter.
Absorbs toxic gases and chemicals. Millions of microscopic pores in the surface of the activated carbon safely trap the gases and chemicals as they pass over.
the HEPA filter:
Traps airborne particles. These filters were developed by the Atomic Energy Commission to fitler radioactive particles. They can trap 99.97% of particles as small as 0.3 microns.
UV lamp
Destorys airborne
Proven technology to deal with contaminated air
The 5000 Sentinel combines normally optional features in our regular units to create a powerful tool for hostile air quality situations
AllerAir air cleaning expertise is used by hospitals, laser eye surgeries and clean rooms.
For use in embassies, government offices and other critical areas.
consult our experts
Over 40 different blends of specially designed impregnated carbons are available.
AllerAir air quatliy experts can advise you on teh correct blend of specially impregnated carbon for you situation.
Be ready to meet many toxic airborne threats to you and your family