37AT-IFS802SP/POE(W)-80 User Manual
SNTP Client• : Enable/disable SNTP function to get the time from the SNTP server.
Daylight Saving Time• : This is used as a control switch to enable/disable daylight saving period
anddaylightsavingoffset.Userscan congureDaylightSavingPeriodand DaylightSavingOffset
in a certain period time and offset time while there is no need to enable daylight saving function.
Afterwards, users can just set this item as enable without assign Daylight Saving Period and Daylight
Saving Offset again.
UTC Timezone• : Universal Time, Coordinated. Set the switch location time zone. The following
table lists the different location time zone for your reference
Local Time Zone Conversion
from UTC
Time at
12:00 UTC
November Time Zone - 1 hour 11am
Oscar Time Zone -2 hours 10 am
ADT - Atlantic Daylight -3 hours 9 am
AST - Atlantic Standard
EDT - Eastern Daylight
-4 hours 8 am
EST - Eastern Standard
CDT - Central Daylight
-5 hours 7 am
CST - Central Standard
MDT - Mountain Daylight
-6 hours 6 am
MST - Mountain Standard
-7 hours 5 am
ADT - Alaskan Daylight
-8 hours 4 am
ALA - Alaskan Standard -9 hours 3 am
HAW - Hawaiian Standard -10 hours 2 am
Nome, Alaska -11 hours 1 am
CET - Central European
FWT - French Winter
MET - Middle European
MEWT - Middle European Winter
SWT - Swedish Winter
+1 hour 1 pm
EET - Eastern European, USSR Zone 1 +2 hours 2 pm
BT - Baghdad, USSR Zone 2 +3 hours 3 pm
ZP4 - USSR Zone 3 +4 hours 4 pm
ZP5 - USSR Zone 4 +5 hours 5 pm
ZP6 - USSR Zone 5 +6 hours 6 pm
WAST - West Australian Standard +7 hours 7 pm
CCT - China Coast, USSR Zone 7 +8 hours 8 pm
JST - Japan Standard, USSR Zone 8 +9 hours 9 pm
EAST - East Australian Standard GST
Guam Standard, USSR Zone 9
+10 hours 10 pm
IDLE - International Date Line
NZST - New Zealand Standard
NZT - New Zealand
+12 hours Midnight