10 | SwitchBlade Switch Controller |
For instructions on using ASYN0 and the CLI to change ETH0’s IP address, see the “Graphical User Interface” section in the “Operations” chapter of the SwitchBlade Software Reference.
1.Connect a PC to ETH0
Use a
The PC should be running Internet Explorer version 5.x, with JavaScript enabled. A copy of Internet Explorer can be found on the Documentation and Tools
If two switch controllers are installed, and the switch has not yet been connected to a power supply, the switch controller in Bay A will assume master controller status. In all cases the master controller is the controller whose Master LED is lit.
2.Access the GUI
Assign the PC an IP address in the subnet.
If you access the Internet through a proxy server, set your browser to bypass the proxy for
Point your web browser at
3.Log in
At the log in prompt, enter the log in name and password.
User Name: manager
Password: friend
The system status page appears and you can now use the GUI to configure the switch controller.
To ensure configuration settings are saved correctly, use the GUI pages’ menus and buttons to navigate, not your browser’s buttons.
As a security precaution, change the password and default IP address as soon as possible.
To change the password, select Management > Users from the sidebar menu. Select the Manager account and click Modify.
To change ETH0’s IP address, select Configuration > System >
Management from the sidebar menu.
4.To access