ALTEC loudspeakers have been the standard of the professional recording, broadcast and theatre industries. These ALTEC loudspeakers are handcrafted and tested to meet ALTEC’s standards – the most rigid in the industry.
In 1945, ALTEC introduced an amazing series of
The Voice of the Theatre. Known by name. Known by sight. Known by reputation. A legend in its own time. Once an exclusively professional product, overwhelming demand forced its being made available to those who insist upon its unparalleled presence and efficiency for their homes. The only way to duplicate the excitement inherent in the sound of the theatre – the Voice of the Theatre.
Excitement . . . drama . . . realism . . . emotion . . . Adjectives that describe the ways you feel during the film experience. The experience of sight – and of sound. The experience that is the Voice of the Theatre – a legend in its own time.
The legacy of the A7 is a famous one. Starting life purely as a cinema playback unit, it was soon in demand for use as a studio monitor and home reproducer. Many engineers still swear by the A7, and have made it their standard of comparison for everything audio. Very versatile and efficient, the A7 is ideally suited for use wherever good projection over long distances of
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