IMPORTANT: Check your Amplifier’s Impedance and Power Specifications
This A7 loudspeaker has an 8 Ohm (Ω) input impedance and is designed to handle continuous input power levels of up to 200 Watts RMS.
Do not connect this loudspeaker to an amplifier rated at more than 200 Watts RMS per channel; significant damage to the loudspeaker could result.
High quality commercial 14 AWG, stranded, insulated wire may be used for connection of this ALTEC loudspeaker. This is considered minimum size wire for speaker/amplifier connections up to 30 feet. For wire runs longer than 30 feet, 10 AWG or larger wire is recommended. The binding posts on this ALTEC loudspeaker accommodate either banana plugs or spade connectors, although bare wire can also be used.
Step 1
For bare wire without banana plugs or spade connectors, strip ½” of insulation off of both ends of the speaker wire if it has not already been done.
Step 2
Connect one end of the marked wire (usually marked with a colored pattern on its insulation) to the positive (+) speaker terminal post. If using spade connectors or bare wires, tighten the nut down securely.
Step 3
Connect one end of the
Step 4
Lay out the wire over to the amplifier.
Step 5
Connect the other end of the marked wire (refer to step 2) to the positive (+) 8Ω terminal on the amplifier.
Step 6
Connect the second
Step 7
Power up the amplifier and enjoy the great ALTEC sound.
030519 A7 Owner's Manual | 7 |