[OFF…..P]: sets path
This command will set the path for the output, but it is not active until the switch command, [SW], is executed. Commands ending in "P" are not executed immediately. The path for outputs on multiple cards or the same card can be loaded.
Command Formats: [OFFmVCnUiP] and [OFFmSCnUiP]
m= Input number (m = 1 to 4) (input 4 is internal)
Cn = card ID (n = slot # from 1 to max slots) P = path
There are two
If "F" is included, use the [OFFmCnUiPF] command or the [OFFmCnUiFP] command.
[OFF…..F]: feedback
After processing a command, an OK or ER will be returned as feedback if "F" is included at the end of a command string.
[OFF1VC2U3F]: if path is not set
[OFF1VC2U3PF]: if path is set
6.[…S] – Save
This command will save the configuration command being sent in memory. When sending the command [ON1C4S], after reset or power up, output 1 on C4 will be enabled.
7.[…F] – Feedback
After processing a command, an OK or ER will be returned as feedback if "F" is included at the end of a command string.
8.[…P] – Path
This command will set the path for the output, but it is not active until the switch command, [SW], is executed. Commands ending in "P" are not executed immediately. The path for outputs on multiple cards or the same card can be preloaded. See examples in ON and OFF commands.
9.[SW] – Switch
The switch command immediately connects inputs and outputs, which were previously set with the path command on this card and all other cards in the
The above example turns ON input 1 of card 6 of unit 3 at the same time as input 3 of card 7 of unit 3.
This command displays information available for the
Command Format: [HELPCnUi]
Cn = card ID number (n = # from 1 to max slots) Ui = Unit ID (i = # from 0 to 9)
In order to view the
11. [WR]
This command groups multiple cards in the Enclosure. Each unit contains a maximum of nine groups.
Command Format: [WRCn…GkUi]
Cn = card ID (n = slot # from 1 to max slots)
Gk = group number (k = # from