Altinex MX2456RM manual RS-232 Control, PIN No PIN Designation

Models: MX2456RM

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6.If necessary, select the SYNC DELAY UP or DOWN button. To activate and set the SYNC DELAY mode to memory, press and hold the UP or DOWN button. LED’s that represent the selected time should light.

7.To activate the AUTO SWITCH mode, press the AUTO SWITCH button. The LED that represents the AUTO SWITCH mode should light. If the AUTO ROTATE mode was selected previously, it will cancel. Audio inputs will follow video inputs if the AUDIO BREAK AWAY mode was not selected previously.

8.The AUDIO VOLUME mode will control the audio stereo volume when the VOLUME UP or DOWN button is pressed and released. The AUDIO VOLUME UP or DOWN button is between a maximum volume of +6dB and a minimum volume of –6dB. From the minimum to maximum volume, there are fifteen points. Each point represents 0.8dB. After selecting the volume, press and hold the UP and DOWN buttons simultaneously.

9.To turn OFF the beeping sound, press and hold the BEEP ON/OFF button. The LED that represents this button should light. To activate sound, press and hold the BEEP ON/OFF button again.

10.To return the switcher to factory preset, press the RESET button. After a brief delay, all LED’s should blink ON and OFF. A beeping sound will be heard several times indicating that the switcher has been reset.

7.2 RS-232 CONTROL

The MX2456RM Switcher offers remote control capabilities through RS-232; the primary communication standard used by control systems and computers.

In fact, the MX2456RM offers more features using RS-232 than are currently available from the front panel of the unit.

The MX2456RM offers a terminal block using solder-free, screw-down contacts, making it extremely easy to connect the switcher to a control system or a computer in the field.

Figure 1. RS-232 Terminal Block


PIN Designation


+5V (not needed for


RS-232 connection)


GND (Ground)


RCV (Receive)


XMT (Transmit)

Table 4. PIN Designations

The terminal block is labeled with the appropriate contact designations: Transmit (XMT), Receive (RCV), and Ground (GND). Always remember that the Transmit pin from the control system or computer must be connected to the Receive pin on the switcher control port; do not connect Transmit to Transmit or Receive to Receive.

Note: the contact labeled +5V is not used for RS-232 connections. This contact is used to provide DC voltage to other equipment installed within close proximity of the MX2456RM.

Typically, a control system or computer will offer RS-232 connections on a 9-pin D connector.

The following are typical cable pin-out designations for RS-232 connections on a 9-pin D connector. Always verify that the pin-outs for your system are correct to ensure the proper wiring.











Connection of IBM-PC 25-pin D to the MX2456RM Terminal Block


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Altinex MX2456RM manual RS-232 Control, PIN No PIN Designation