Subject 1: Regarding the Application of
As a result of the increasing power consumption demand from many AMD CPUs in current market, we suggest not to use a CPU that demands more than 65W power consumption at work for an AMD CPU compliant board that comes with power supply design as 3 phase or 3+1 phase mold and MOSFET design as working in High SideX1 and Low SideX1 mold so as to avoid MOSFET getting burned or other phenomena like a halted system or system instability. So please take notice of the CPU you are using and make sure that it is one that demand not more than 65 W to ensure
1.The relation between CPU Power Consumption Amount and Power Phase: depending on difference in voltage rating,
2.3- Phase Power Supply Mold: motherboard with 3 inductances for CPU power supply, and each inductance carries with it 2 MOSFET (6 MOSFETs in total) (Figure1)
Figure 1
Figure 2
We recommend users choose motherboards with power design of
We recommend users choose motherboards with power design of