Chapter 3 System Setup 27
3.3.2 JumpersThe table below lists the function of each of the board’s jumpers.
3.3.3 ConnectorsThe table below lists the function of each of the board's connectors.
Table 3.1: Jumpers and their functions
S1 Reset Button
J2 SMBUS Power Setting
J3 CMOS Clear
J4 AT/ATX Setting
J6 COM2 RS232/422/485 Setting
J7 COM3/4 Pin9 output type setting
BT1 Battery Connector
SLOT1 PCI/ISA bus expansion connector
Table 3.2: Panel PC connectors
Label Function
J1 Inverter power connector
J2 Flat panel display connector
J3 Primary IDE hard drive connector
J4 Keyboard connector
J5 Internal touchscreen connector
CN1 SODIMM socket
CN2 CompactFlash Disk secondary IDE connector
CN4 I/O board connector
CN5 I/O board connector
CN6 Power FAN power connector
CN7 External KBT2
CN8 CPU FAN power connector
CN10 Power Switch
CN20 Speaker and Microphone connector (Reserved)
PS1 Power test connector (Reserved)
JS2 Brightness VR (Reserved)