NetLinx Security
40 NXC-ME260 NetLinx Master-Ethernet Card/Module
Default Security Configuration
By default, the NetLinx Master will create the following accounts, access rights, directory
associations, and security options.
Account 1: User Name: administrator
Password: password
Group: administrator
Rights: All
Directory Association: /*
Account 2: User Name: NetLinx
Password: password
Group: none
Rights: FTP Access
Directory Association: none
Group 1: Group: administrator
Rights: All
Directory Association: /*
Security Options: FTP Security Enabled
Admin Change Password Security Enabled
All other options disabled
! The "administrator" user account cannot be deleted or modified with the exception of its
password. Only a user with "Change Admin Password Access" rights can change the
administrator password.
! The "NetLinx " user account is created to be compatible with previous NetLinx Master
firmware versions.
! The "administrator" group account cannot be deleted or modified.
! The FTP Security and Admin Change Password Security are always enabled and cannot
be disabled.
Main Security Menu (Cont.)
Command Description
14) Reset Database If a user has been given "administrator rights", this addi-
tional menu option is displayed. This selection will reset
the security database to its Default Security Configuration
settings, erasing all users and groups that were added.
This is a permanent change and you will be asked to ver-
ify this before the database is reset.
15) Display Database If a user has been given "administrator rights", this addi-
tional menu option is displayed. This selection will display
the current security settings to the terminal (excluding
user passwords).