Chapter 5 Troubleshooting 69
Installing Applications
To install only the applications that came with your iMac, follow the steps below. Your
iMac must first have Mac OS X installed.
To install applications:
1Back up your important files.
2Insert the Mac OS X Install Disc 1 that came with your iMac.
3Double-click “Install Bundled Software only.”
4Follow the onscreen instructions.
5After selecting the destination disk for installation, continue following the onscreen
Note: To install iCal, iChat, iSync, iTunes, and Safari, follow the “Installing Mac OS X”
instructions above.
When an Application Doesn’t Respond
On rare occasion, an application may “freeze” on the screen. Mac OS X provides a way
to quit an application that’s not responding, without restarting your iMac. Quitting a
frozen application may allow you to save your work in other open applications.
To force an application to quit:
1Press Command (x)-Option-Esc or choose Apple () > Force Quit.
The Force Quit Applications dialog appears with the application selected.
2Click Force Quit.
The application quits, leaving all other applications open.