72 Chapter 5 Troubleshooting
If you have a problem using your iMac or working with the Mac OS
ÂIf the answers to your questions are not in this manual, look in Mac Help for
instructions and troubleshooting information. In the Finder, choose Help > Mac Help.
ÂCheck the Apple Support website at www.apple.com/support for the latest
troubleshooting information and software updates.
If your date and time settings get lost repeatedly
You may need to have the internal backup battery replaced. The battery in your iMac
isn’t user-replaceable. Contact an Apple Authorized Service Provider or an Apple Store
retail location for more information.
Locating Your Product Serial NumberThe serial number for your iMac is on the bottom of the stand or you can use System
Profiler to find it. Choose Apple () > About This Mac from the menu bar and then
click More Info. Click the Hardware disclosure triangle to view the serial number.