3 Choose QuickTake Scripts from the Script menu, then choose Get All Images.
The photos are stored on your computer’s hard disk in a folder called Camera
Pictures inside the PhotoFlash for QuickTake folder. You can use this folder of
images to create a catalog of PhotoFlash images (refer to the PhotoFlash
Getting Startedma nual for instructions on creating a catalog).
If you want to erase the images from the camera, use the Erase All button.
(See “Erasing Images From the Camera,” later in this chapter.)
Setting up automatic image transfer
You can use the PhotoFlash Camera Watcher program to set up your
Macintosh to transfer images automatically from your camera to your hard
disk whenever a camera is connected to your computer. PhotoFlash Camera
Watcher was installed when you used the QuickTake installation disks.
1 In the PhotoFlash for QuickTake folder, open the QuickTake Camera Support folder and
double-click the PhotoFlash Camera Watcher icon.
2 When you see a message explaining that images in the camera are erased when they are
copied to your computer, click Run to continue starting Camera Watcher.
This starts the PhotoFlash Camera Watcher program. Camera Watcher
monitors the serial ports of your computer to see if a QuickTake camera
containing images is attached. If it finds a camera attached, it automatically
transfers the images from the camera to a folder that has the same name as the
camera, plus a number (for example, MyCam 1). This folder is stored in the
Camera Pictures folder in the PhotoFlash for QuickTake folder.
34 Chapter 3